14. Dezember
Aus DCPedia
ab dem 14. Dezember 2016 im Handel: >> Nächster Erscheinungs-Termin: 20. Dezember 2016 - Erscheinungs-Kalender
= Serienstart
= Serienabschluß
= Paperback zu einer Serie
- Action Comics 969
- Batgirl and the Birds of Prey 5
- Batman Vol. 9: Bloom
- Batman Vol. 10: Epiloque
- Batman and Robin Adventures Vol. 1
- DC Rebirth Holiday Special 1
- Deathstroke 8
- Deathstroke Vol. 4: Family Business
- Detective Comics 946
- Earth 2: Society 19
- Gotham Academy: Second Semester 4
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 10
- Justice League of America: The Silver Age Vol. 2
- Martian Manhunter Vol. 2: The Red Rising
- New Super-Man 6
- Red Hood and the Outlaws 5
- Suicide Squad 8
- Supergirl 4
- Superman: The Golden Age Vol. 3
- Superwoman 5
- The Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade - Deluxe Edition
- The Flash 12
- Wonder Woman 12
DC Kids
- Art Ops Vol. 2
- Clean Room 14
- Red Thorn 13
- The Lost Boys 3
- The Unwritten: The Deluxe Edition - Book One
- Absolute Promethea Book 3
- The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold 14
- Batgirl 4
- Batman and Robin 4
- Batwoman 4
- DC Comics presents: Batman - The Secret City 1
- DC Comics: The New 52
- DC Universe Online Legends 19 (of 26)
- Deathstroke 4
- Demon Knights 4
- Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. 4
- Green Lantern 4
- Grifter 4
- Hitman Vol. 5: Tommy's Heroes
- Legion Lost 4
- Mister Terrific 4
- My Greatest Adventure 3 (of 6)
- The Ray 1 (of 4)
- Resurrection Man 4
- The Shade 3 (of 12)
- Showcase presents Batman 5
- Showcase presents Wonder Woman 4
- Suicide Squad 4
- Superboy 4
- Tales of the Batman: Don Newton
- American Vampire 21
- Fables Vol. 16: Super Team
- Fables Deluxe Edition Vol. 4
- The Unwritten 32
- Vertigo: First Blood 1