16. November
Aus DCPedia
ab dem 16. November 2016 im Handel: >> Nächster Erscheinungs-Termin: 22. November 2016 - Erscheinungs-Kalender
= Serienstart
= Serienabschluß
= Paperback zu einer Serie
- Aquaman 11
- Batman 1 - Directors Cut
- Batman 11
- Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye 2
- Cyborg 5
- Doctor Fate 18
- Green Arrow 11
- Green Lanterns 11
- He-Man / Thundercats 2
- Justice League 9
- Justice League Darkseid War - Power of the Gods
- New Suicide Squad Vol. 4: Kill anything
- Nightwing 9
- Raven 3
- Suicide Squad 6
- Suicide Squad most wanted: El Diablo & Killer Croc 4
- Superman 11
- Superman: The Coming of the Superman
- The Flash by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato - Omnibus
- The Flash Vol. 8: Zoom
- The Flash Vol. 9: Full Stop
- The Multiversity
- Trinity 3
- Watchmen - Collector's Edition Box Set
DC Kids
- Astro City: The Dark Age 2 - Brothers in Arms
- Batman 3
- Batman and Robin: Batman vs. Robin
- Batman: A Death in the Family - New Edition
- Batman: Odyssey 2 (of 7)
- Birds of Prey 3
- Blue Beetle 3
- Captain Atom 3
- Catwoman 3
- DC Comics presents: Superman - The Kents 1
- DC Universe Online Legends 17 (of 26)
- DC Universe presents 3
- End of Nations 1 (of 4)
- The Flash: The Road to Flashpoint
- Green Lantern Corps 3
- Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns
- I, Vampire 3
- Justice League 3
- Legends of the Dark Knight - Marshall Rogers
- Legion of Super-Heroes 3
- My Greatest Adventure 2 (of 6)
- Nightwing 3
- Red Hood and the Outlaws 3
- The Shade 2 (of 12)
- Supergirl 3
- Teen Titans: Team Building
- Wonder Woman 3
- Young Justice 10
- Zatanna: Shades of the Past
= Serienstart
= Serienabschluß