Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
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Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
- 1 Allgemeine Informationen
- 2 Erschienen sind
- 2.1 Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 1 - 196
- 2.2 Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 197 - 221
- 2.3 Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 222 - 258
- 2.4 Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 259 - 313
- 2.5 Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 314 - 325
- 2.6 Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 326 - 350
- 2.7 Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 351 - 354
Allgemeine Informationen
- Verlag: DC-Comics
- Heftformat, 36 Seiten
- Serienstart: August 1984
- Serienende: Dezember 1987
Erschienen sind
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 1 - 196
Die Serie startete unter dem Titel Superboy (1. Serie).
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 197 - 221
Die Serie wurde unter dem Titel Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 222 - 258
Die Serie wurde unter dem Titel Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes fortgesetzt.
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 259 - 313
Die Serie wurde unter dem Titel Legion of Super-Heroes (2. Serie) fortgesetzt.
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 314 - 325
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 314
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 315
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 316
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 317
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 318
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 319
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 320
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 321
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 322
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 323
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 324
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 325
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 326 - 350
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 326
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 327
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 328
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 329
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 330
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 331
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 332
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 333
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 334
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 335
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 336
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 337
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 338
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 339
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 340
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 341
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 342
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 343
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 344
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 345
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 346
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 347
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 348
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 349
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 350
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 351 - 354
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 351
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 352
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 353
- Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 354
Legion of Super-Heroes Serien