All about psychics

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Version vom 15. März 2012, 21:05 Uhr von JordannaSpier3411 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Are psychics real....or is it all just fantasy? Are there those that actually possess special sensitivities and have accessibility to information we Do not....or …“)
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Are psychics real....or is it all just fantasy? Are there those that actually possess special sensitivities and have accessibility to information we Do not....or do only gullible people believe that sort of thing? And how about psychic readings? Can I Genuinely have my mind read, future predicted or even loved ones who have crossed over come back and speak to me through a psychic reading.....or is it all just a bunch of bull? If you are skeptical or on the fence like I used to be about psychic abilities.....all of these and other questions are almost all likely the ones that make you stay from becoming a believer, because they seem so "far out".

Yet once you begin to dig a little deeper...and start to have your own personal experiences, you begin to learn there is MUCH we don't know about the human mind....and also MORE we don't know about the human spirit!

Mental Radio: Did you already know that Upton Sinclair, a PULITZER prize winning journalist and widely known intellectual of yesteryear, married a psychic medium who convinced him that psychic abilities weren't just true.....they were being demonstrated in readings on a standard basis in his own household..:-) Curious,he did an entirely series of experiments with her that grew to become the book "Mental Radio", where he described her psychic feats to a flabbergasted public. While some individuals would have been happy to make clear away such psychic feats as fantasy or fiction.......Sinclair's work together with his wife was evaluated, and judged authentic by none other than Albert Einstein himself! (who also wrote the FOREWARD to the expressing his help for the authenticity and honesty of the experiences therein)

There are literally 100s of scientific studies of psychic abilities....And many widely known psychics to boot!

and a lot of  of them have converted the staunchest skeptics, into full on believers that psychic abilities are real! Studies being done at the Rhine Institute at Duke University, the Institute of Noetic Sciences (founded by Edgar Mitchell, the famed Astronaut and room pioneer!), the Windbridge Institute, the Universities of Virgina and Arizona who have studied Well known psychic mediums in the lab like John Edward and George Anderson.
A lot of  of those people that ONCE believed it was all fantasy....have become big devotees of psychic  investigation , and now firmly believe that many psychics are SO special....they cannot just "see" the future, they can speak with the dead to boot!

So Are There <a href="">click here</a>?: Art and the Afterlife

Some of the greatest artists, writers, poets and visionaries have been Organisation believer in psychic abilities...and the afterlife! Want to know the truth? I just read an amazing 560 page POEM....taken into consideration the longest and possibly greatest poem by an American writer called "The Changing Light at Sandover" by Pulitzer reward winner James Merrill. (I read it simply because I'm vacationing in the Florida Keys.....where he wrote nearly all of it, in Key West, back several years ago) The Entire poem Merrill believes was dictated to him and his partner, as they played with a Ouija board and summoned spirits....during the period of ten years! As the words are his....the messages, all 560 pages of them, Merrill claims came from the psychic "channeling" of many good spirits, who spoke to him via the board. (the poem to this day continues one of the greatest American classics of always)

My Point?

Opening yourself up to the marvelous world of psychic abilities, powers and the magic and mystery of the unknown is one of life's GREATEST joys....and almost all delightful experiences. Almost all of us Will not write a poem about it - or be studied by science due to our experiences..:-) But all of us can open the door....have our OWN readings with genuine and qualified psychics and mediums, and learn that the power, and potential of our OWN lives is limitless.....once we see what we are capable of. (and what the Universe actually IS trying to explain to you) Nothing is ever very exactly the same again....I promise!