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Version vom 17. August 2012, 15:57 Uhr von 4oqpvuaq95 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „This ludicrous disclaimer appears the main page of eHarmony's new so called LGBT Dating Site called CompatiblePartners; eHarmony's patented Compatibility Matchin…“)
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This ludicrous disclaimer appears the main page of eHarmony's new so called LGBT Dating Site called CompatiblePartners; eHarmony's patented Compatibility Matching System was developed on the basis of research involving married heterosexual couples The Company has not conducted similar research on same-sex relationships For more information, see the Terms and Conditions of Service By order of a court in NJ resulting froman anti-discrimination lawsuit, eHarmony begrudginglydeveloped this site with that absurd disclaimer right on the main page clearly, this says we will not develop our system to meet your concerns but we will happily take your hard earned money as orderedby the court Compatible Partners claims over 200,000 members Really? Are we as gay singles so awfully desperate that we would use that website? Or, have we just become so used to this kind of demoralization, that we just don't catch it anymore? Match dot com, Chemistry dot com, Compatible Partners all use the same matching basis for LGBT singles that they use for all of their clientsHow can this make sense Consider this a perfect demonstration of Heterosexism, (the belief that heterosexuality is superior to or far better homosexuality) Heterosexism is only another kind of homophobia and it is insulting that these sites claim to welcome and respect LGBT singles when in fact, all they actually do is exploit us Their asserted matching systems are useless to LGBT people because they don't deliver a solution for our needs and expectations As Children we areinstructed about developing relationships and how to date and find possible spouses Heterosexuality is the only option that kids are given and thus young gay men and women are left to discover for themselves Tastelessjokes on the school grounds, distasteful rumors, hearsay and innuendo are too often the young LGBT persons introduction to the gay life Many gay folks learnhow to meet others by sneaking around in unsafe and unhealthy places, parks, public restrooms and dark streets For decades these are often known as meeting sites where the gays hang out We've usually had limited options for meeting people and thus as we usually do we've defined our own interpretationsand learned to etch our relationships as we choose We have Navigated our paths as we determined we should So, I ask why do so many of us still lean towards these heterosexism based relationship sites to find partners? This goes beyond simple ignorance Relationship and introduction sites tend to be grouped with hook-up sites A honest LGBT oriented site with principles and its members best interests at heart, uses science and psychological elements to equip members with enough information and sufficient knowledge to introduce them to other members with whom they will find enough in common, to establish or at least begin to create a foundation These systems are oriented towards gay men and women and our psychology and circumstances Members should only have access to members they are matched to Scrolling through endless lists of members who are often hustlers, predators or even old profiles that go back to the birth of the internet, is not the way a legitimate provider works A member who is offered a match should be presented to his / her match with real information which may include a personality profile analysis along with the members summary, it will exceed sexual predilections and actually employ science, psychology and technology to achieve this Match dot com or Chemistry dot com are not gay owned or inclined relationship They are part of one large company They make no effort to provide a base for the Gay and Lesbian population and what's worse is, they probably aren't even aware of it They haven�t built a solution for gay and lesbian people men for men Using the same criteria to match LGBT people as they do all of their users makes no sense LGBT people have many layers and we have our own ways in which we identify ourselves and our gender Gay men span anywhere from ultra masculine to the majority that are pretty conventional to very feminine relationship These issues are not addressed within the hetero-sexist sites This applies to gay women as well Gender identity issues are certainly not mentioned or made a choice on Match dot com There aredifferent levels of attraction that vary fromelementsthat Chemistry dot com would never offer There are consideration that many people within the LGBT community would find important, that these web sites don't even consider HIV/Aids is an extensive issue for many gay people, you won't see it referencedon Chemistry dot com I so want to see one of these sites deal with trans-gender people Now more than ever, marriage equality and gay and lesbian rights are in public debate People who oppose us and seek to deny us equality, look at our own ' queer' behavior they judge us To some people, the way we present ourselves is considered unacceptable behavior The reality is, we within the LGBT community haveplaced and created our own place or niche We've defined our lives regardless of the criticism we face Many of these criticisms have served to strengthen us and by this we have defined our fabulous selves Considering these factors in our relationships will help build our community Match dot com and these others don't belong in our realm unless they chose to include us in their programming and I don't see that happening There are choices and alternatives for gay dating