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Version vom 19. August 2012, 16:26 Uhr von 3agvjznaEl (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Proper website optimization depends on your ability to both find and test the keywords you want to use the most as well as building backlinks with them so that yo…“)
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Proper website optimization depends on your ability to both find and test the keywords you want to use the most as well as building backlinks with them so that you can get your site ranked as highly for your chosen keywords as possible But what do you do next? It isn't a good idea to do SEO a lot in the beginning and then relax later on because if you want to maintain your rank and keep your traffic levels high you should take the steps that you need to take to keep yourself ahead of the competition To learn how to steady your rank without turning yourself inside out, read the paragraphs below Get to Know Your Competition: One of the main reasons that some websites are always ranking above the others is because they truly understand their competition If you know all about your competitor sites and their SEO activities then you can simply beat them at their own games Understanding the people competing for your views isn't really that difficult, with a few good monitoring tools it's something you can do For example, by adding a simple plugin called 'SEO Quake' to your Firefox browser, you can easily spy on your competition and get the background information about their website, right from the number of backlinks they have to the age of the domain name The sharper your focus is on your competitors the easier it is going to be for you to take the correct steps to make sure you can maintain your rank auto seo Pay Attention to Your Analytics: It is important to closely monitor your web analytics, especially if you have been working on the SEO for your website Web analytics provide you with plenty of data to help you in your efforts to really improve the ranking of your site as well as maintain it You should watch your web analytics regularly because doing so will tell you which keywords are getting you the most traffic, which trends are current and important, etc Every person who knows about SEO knows how important it is to study your analytics so that you know what you need to change and improve to get ahead of the competition Patience is Important: There will be times when your website may disappear from the first page and move to the tenth page or even further You need to be calm when this happens and understand that this happens sometimes particularly if your site isn't well established When you work diligently and regularly on your SEO maintenance tasks it won't be a big deal if your site drops in the ranks because you'll be able to bring it back up soon enough easy seo Just trust Google to give you the best return on your time investment and continue with your SEO efforts; after a few months you'll see for yourself how stable your site becomes in terms of ranking When you do SEO work patience is your most important virtue There it is! Maintain your sites rank and take it to the next level with these easy to apply SEO tips auto seo