The Ins And Outs Of Using An Iphone276656

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Version vom 13. September 2012, 13:10 Uhr von JulianlrykswmqtzMichocki (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The command to mark one of your emails as "unread" isn't a visible one. You must reach Details and press the unread button when you go to email, it will show up a…“)
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The command to mark one of your emails as "unread" isn't a visible one. You must reach Details and press the unread button when you go to email, it will show up as a message that is unread.

Do not go overboard buying apps for your iphone. iphone has an infinite number of apps available, some of which are free and some that may cost money. Some applications engage in unscrupulous data mining practices or charge you hidden fees. Kenny Teo Chin Tiong

Jazz up your iphone with new sound effects. Apple has finally added a way to choose custom tones for all incoming emails, texts, voicemails, calendar alerts, tweets, reminders and so much more! Scroll to your 'sounds menu' and purchase a sound of your choosing.

Have a little fun playing with your iphone. When you explore and test things, you are better able to understand what it can do. Trying out different features on your iphone will help you expand your knowledge of how to work the various features available to you. read

Scrolling back to the top part of any page that you visit while using the iphone can seem like such a hassle. Well, now that is no longer necessary. Just tap the status bar--the piece that has the clock--on your screen's top to jump to the page's top. You can also use the same feature on many other long lists (such as your music library).

Use the multimedia features on your iphone to get the most out of it. Your iphone can become an entertainment hub just by downloading TV episode or online clips that you love.

Always keep iOS updated to the most recent version, when possible. Apple iPhones are almost as complex as computers now, so there are occasional patches to fix bugs, security holes and functionality issues. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it's imperative that you update your OS as needed.

Using your iphone can be really fun and really easy, but there are some aspects of the phone that make it seem tedious. For example, having to scroll up the length of pages can be a pain. Luckily, there is no need for this. Just tap the status bar near the clock, and that will take you to the page's start. You can also use the same feature on many other long lists (such as your music library).

If you withhold your phone number from an individual you are calling, there's a setting for that. Go to the Settings menu, tap Phone, and press the Show Caller ID button. Then, change that setting to OFF. You can use that section to remember your phone number if it has slipped your mind.

Purchase an iphone case for its protection. The glass is likely to shatter if your phone undergoes a significant impact without a case. No case prevents all accidents, but it can certainly better your iPhone's chances of survival upon impact if you accidentally drop it.