CPanel Website Backup Software – Backup Smart499108

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Version vom 18. September 2012, 23:54 Uhr von RusswjwyounjlpBouliouris (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „How embarrassed would you feel if a hacker defaced your website with vulgar profanity, and you had no way of quickly fixing it? How much time and money would you …“)
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How embarrassed would you feel if a hacker defaced your website with vulgar profanity, and you had no way of quickly fixing it? How much time and money would you lose if you made a mistake while editing your site, and had to start over from scratch?

Even worse…could your online business survive if you were the victim of a server crash and your site totally vanished? Listen, these aren’t “worst case” scenarios. They are common events that happen each and every day to website owners just like you. I don’t know about you, but even just the thought of losing my main source of income for even one day keeps me awake at night. If you create websites to enjoy financial freedom, then the last thing you need to worry about is if they can just disappear at the drop of a hat…never to return. Installation is a snap, and I’ve even included comprehensive training videos to make operating Backup Smart child’s play. This easy to use software quietly runs in the background of your PC or MAC and automatically downloads the current Cpanel backups from inside of your hosting account to your hard drive…safe and secure!

You have total control over how often and what time you want your sites to be backed up. And once Backup Smart is set, you can go about your business and forget about it. Reading through a forum, I came across a post from someone that had 6 sites wiped out due to a server crash. She had no backups. That prompted me to investigate backup software. I think I downloaded and tried all of them. Backup Smart was by far the easiest to install and set up, downloaded the backups quickly and accurately, and my questions were answered…