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Version vom 26. September 2012, 14:47 Uhr von 3cvxyjasY7 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „If you have a local, offline business, you want to be well ranked in the search engine so you get local traffic The following are some effective local search engi…“)
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If you have a local, offline business, you want to be well ranked in the search engine so you get local traffic The following are some effective local search engine optimization methods that will help you to rank better As a local SEO marketer, you should learn to control targeted information across the web This forms as a big part of local SEO because when you obtain information for other websites, it gives you the edge There are actually aggregated services that are build for local businesses that search the entire World Wide Web for any information they can find on your company You can submit your info to aggregation services such as infoUSA and Localeze You will, of course, have to be cautious about a few things when you do this If you find that there is incorrect information about your company on other sites you run the risk that it will still be aggregated for your listings When this happens you need to contact the original source of the information and ask for it to be corrected This can take some time so you can\'t do anything but wait for the fix to get to the local sites If you�ve been into search engine optimization even for a while now, you�ll know the value of the title tag People new to marketing always want to skip the title tag, not knowing that title tags can help them rank higher If you hope to get the most out of local SEO, you need to pay attention to the title tag service seo One great part about going after local searches is that the competition is much scarcer than if you were to use keywords that were more broad That�s why title tags need to be developed so that they always use the keywords you�ve decided upon and they must also include what city and state you�re trying to focus on This will tell the search engines exactly where to rank you This is the most important aspect of SEO and you can�t ignore it Last but not the least, don�t overcrowd the title tag with too many keywords, and try to keep them at the minimum A simple SEO tip that is obvious is linking up with the locals A large part of local marketing is becoming known and networking with others in your area One of your most most helpful resources as a local business with a website are quality links back to your site from respected groups, businesses and organizations in your own area The reason for this is, search engines rely on quality backlinks when they\'re ranking a site and when your keywords are location based, then it becomes obvious that you should have backlinks coming from these important local sites This is how you can get the search engines to pay attention to you and rank you well for local listings The quality of your backlinks is what really counts, more than the quantity sem seo A link from a well known group like your local Chamber of Commerce will be much more effective than a hundred from obscure bloggers in your area Don\'t worry so much about getting a huge number of links, but look for quality instead To sum up: local search engine optimization does require you to do more work but it all pays off in the end when you have an easier time of reaching your target market sem seo