Adventures of Superman Annual
Aus DCPedia
Version vom 13. September 2013, 16:54 Uhr von Theblacksteel (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Adventures of Superman Annual
Allgemeine Informationen
- Verlag: DC-Comics
- Heftformat, 52 - 68 Seiten
- Serienstart: ??? 1987
- Serienende: September 1997
Erschienen sind
- Adventures of Superman Annual 1
- Adventures of Superman Annual 2
- Adventures of Superman Annual 3
- Adventures of Superman Annual 4
- Adventures of Superman Annual 5
- Adventures of Superman Annual 6
- Adventures of Superman Annual 7
- Adventures of Superman Annual 8
- Adventures of Superman Annual 9
USA to Germany
Superman Serien
Adventures Serien