Become Fluent in a New Language and Make New Friends by Attending a Language School Abroad1077745

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If you're interested in learning a new language, the best way to immerse yourself in it is by studying at a language school abroad. Language schools around the world cater to students of just about every language you could imagine, making it possible for you to travel, make new friends, and discover a new culture, all the while becoming fluent in a foreign language of your choice. Attending language school is the one of the most effective and accelerated ways to learn a language because you get to live in a country where people speak the language you're trying to learn, and you can dedicate hours every day to language study.

If you've ever taken language courses in high school or college, you've surely been frustrated by the fact that you couldn't utter a single sentence in the language, even after years of study. There is something inherently wrong with the way language is taught in traditional settings. Your friend who spent one month studying at a language school in Spain probably learned far more than you ever did after four years of university-level Spanish study.

Studying at a language school in a country where the target language is spoken is highly effective because it immerses students in the language learning process. Inside of the classroom, teachers typically speak in the language that is being taught, so students are exposed to the language as much as possible. Taking a language course in a language you do not understand can be difficult at first, but you come to understand a lot more than you would otherwise because the teacher speaks slowly and clearly while using lots of gestures. On the other hand, if the teacher continues speaking in your native language, you'll never get past the stage of translating every word you learn into your native language. When a teacher only speaks in the language your learning, you're forced to think in the new language.

At language schools, you can study one-on-one or as a group. Typically, one-on-one courses are more costly than group classes. However, one-on-one classes offer the ideal set up since they are taught at your pace and you get to decide what you would like to study and which course materials you will use. Group classes are usually best for beginners since most people starting from scratch are at around the same level. Furthermore, group classes are fun and give you the opportunity to meet and interact with new people.

If you study a new language on a budget, one-on-one classes will be a lot more affordable for you in a developing country. On the other hand, if you study in a country with a high cost of living and you're on a tight budget, the costs of one-on-one language training may be out of reach. The cost of tuition is certainly something important to consider when selecting a language school. For example, studying Spanish in Latin America is far less expensive than studying Spanish in Spain. However, the accent and words you learn in Latin America will be very different from what you would learn in Spain.

Accommodations are another factor to consider when selecting a language school. Does the language school offer to let you stay in the home of a local host family? Will you receive help finding a hotel or other accommodations? Your best bet is probably to stay with a local host family because you will be immersed in the language 24/7 while getting a glimpse into local customs and culture. However, you may feel uncomfortable staying with a family and prefer the freedom of staying in your own hotel room or apartment instead.

No single accommodation choice is the best for everyone, although the majority of language school students find that staying with a host family is the ideal way to learn a new language and interact with a new culture. If you stay at a hotel or apartment with other students, you will probably end up speaking your native tongue most of the time and the exposure you get to the language you're learning will be minimal. While staying with other students and going out with them every night might make for a fun vacation and great memories, you won't learn as much about the culture of the host country.

Another factor to consider when selecting a language school is whether you want to be in the city or the country. Both locations have their advantages and disadvantages. Cities are cultural centers that are full of attractions and activities. However, the countryside will put you in touch with the less seen side of a culture. Furthermore, some language students prefer to be in the country because there are fewer foreigners around and it is easier to be immersed in the language.

Ultimately, no route is the best route for every language student. You have to make decisions based on your personal tastes and requirements. Whatever your learning style may be, find a language school that can accommodate it in order to enhance your overall language learning experience.