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According to the Environment Protection Agency in the US, scientific evidence reveals that indoor air can be more significantly polluted that the air outside even in the most industrialized places. With many people spending around 90 % of their existence inside their houses, searching for ways to clean indoor air has become a need. One way of eliminating air pollutants and toxins is by having indoor plants. Household plants also help counteract effects of outgassing, and help balance the humidity in the home.

More and more people have become more partial to having ornamental bamboos in the house, and it’s easy to understand why. Potted bamboos not only provide visual interest to any room, it also makes the place appear more peaceful and relaxing. They don't only look simple, bamboos are also not very demanding in terms of maintenance. If you wish to have bamboo plants indoors, below are some guidelines and other issues to take into account.

Bamboo plant care

Bamboos need the same things as other indoor plants. First, it needs to have soil where water drains readily but not rapidly. The soil also needs to be rich in nutrients required by the plant. Bamboos also grow well when provided with a high-nitrogen, low potash fertilizer in the growing season.

Bamboos grow quickly, so if you want to grow them in containers it is essential that you use a plant container with adequate room. In most cases it is a good idea to select a container that is big enough to have a space of at least Two inches between the fringe of the root ball and the border the container. Any type of bamboo will spread in the container, and once it fills the plant container with root and rhizome, it has to be moved to a roomier one, or in the case of bonsai bamboo culture, you can prohibit growth by taking out a third of the roots before placing the plant back in a pot of fresh soil.

Bamboos also require sunlight. There are various bamboo species and they are different in terms of how much sunlight they need. More often than not, the larger its leaf, the less light it needs. You also have to take into consideration which environment the bamboo will flourish in. For instance, growing temperate bamboos inside the house where it is cooler may result in leaf drop which lowers the plant’s aesthetic appeal and cause problems for housekeeping as well. Growing bamboo plants indoors also requires occasional manicure. Regular pruning will help keep the bamboo stay healthy and beautiful. Some people are fearful about pruning bamboos. The good news is that these plants are are not very exacting and will appreciate the attention you give it.