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Whenever I listen to some spiritual expert proclaim that you have to do is "imagine pleased ideas!Inch, it can make me wish to take him 1 upside the head and see how long he can keep on considering his Inchhappy ideas."

Take for example Miguel Ruizs best-selling Four Agreements, which exhorts readers to "Be flawless with your word dont consider something personally do not make presumptions always do your best.Inch The quality of profundity or usefulness of the guidance is beside the point it does a disservice towards the reader. Without trying is made to describe why its impossible to become flawless with your term (in a culture based upon lying with other individuals and your self) not to take things individually (when all your sociable training is directed at blowing up your self-importance) not to make assumptions (inside a culture which discourages thinking for yourself, or considering whatsoever) or why its impossible to do your very best (in a culture which teaches you to cringe helplessly and wallow in self-pity). Quite simply, fluffy composing just adds more guilt to the burden of personal-hatred which people are already carrying by making people fault themselves, rather than their hypocritical society, for their unhappiness. Fluffy composing may sound calming because its simplistic but its of no actual assistance to anybody.
Who's thinking pleased ideas? The evangelizing proselytizers with their toothpaste-advertisement smiles and their utilized-vehicle-salesman spiels? If those individuals had been genuinely happy in their hearts, would they be playing around trying to make others like them (in most senses of that word)? Finding yourself in denial is not the same thing as being pleased. NOBODY (other than maybe a couple of lamas meditation in caves in the Himalayas maybe) can control their ideas. People can most certainly try to escape from their problems by distracting themselves, but that's not the same thing as controlling ideas. It's like self pleasure was at the Victorian age  everybody was doing the work while having to pay top service to refusal after which sensation embarrassed with on their own for being so "pervertedInch. Similarly, people are being humiliated to about Inchjust thinking pleased ideas"  after which are made to feel even worse about themselves because they are incapable of accomplishing this unachievable task.
It's all regulated a lie  this "Positive ConsideringInch baloney, like so much New Age cannot (ok last one, that's another one: Inchnever say cannot!"). If you're not happy inside, then 1) it's impossible to think happy ideas (unless you're in denial) and 2) considering happy thoughts isn't the way to change your mood regardless (it works the other way around: when you are able to manage your moment-to-second feeling  or much better stated, relax into indifference  THEN your thoughts naturally are usually pleased). What produces your the truth is your fundamental feeling, not what you tell yourself (not your thoughts).
The pundits of Positive Considering get their cause-and-impact backwards. Plus they worsen individuals problems by blaming them for being unable to manage their thoughts  as if society doesn't pile sufficient blame and shame on individuals as it is ... now in the Modern people have responsible on their own for being unable to achieve the not possible. To expect that you simply  l'il ol' nasal area pickin' and pastin' it under the furnishings YOU  will be able to take control of your thoughts (and then chide yourself whenever you fail to meet this ridiculous expectation) is totally absurd. Positive thinking is just another of society's is designed to help you really feel crummy about yourself.
Individuals need to be told that it is okay if they're unhappy that everybody in today's world is unhappy, and any appearance on the contrary is just that  an appearance. This really is another of our materialistic society's filthy tricks: continuously informing people "See  those guys there who purchased our useless products are happier than you are! Do it now!" Getting us evaluate ourself to other individuals is stupid, because everyone's juice is so different. And since our shallow culture forbids us to talk freely about something that really matters, we hardly ever know what anyone else is truly sensation inside regardless.
This isn't to say that individuals do not need to take complete personal responsibility to get themselves from the messes they find themselves in. Just that theres you don't need to feel responsible because of not satisfying societys expectations (including having the ability to "think happy thoughtsInch), because societys anticipations are not possible to satisfy furthermore, the benefits for fulfilling them arent even worth it. This realization is the initial step on the religious path.
Clue Number 1: Your picture of exactly what the religious path is all about is wrong  absolutely incorrect. Totally off the mark. Not really close. When you finally get Inchthere", you'll understand that the items that you simply thought had been important, aren't and the things that are, weren't part of your opinions at all (these were as well delicate, which means you ignored them at the time). What spirituality is all about needs to be experienced inside your coronary heart, not conceptualized. When don Juan finally described his theories to Carlos Castaneda (just prior to his leaving him permanently, at the end of Stories of Energy), he told Castaneda that he had been intentionally deceptive and sidetracking him all along during the apprenticeship, keeping Castaneda's considering thoughts focused on irrelevancies, and producing mild from the issues that have been indeed the crux. The reason being the considering thoughts only will get in the way on the religious path. The thinking thoughts are very important to get along in culture, but it is actually a hindrance in pursuit of the spiritual, which is why don Juan averred the best sorcerers had been either completely silly or totally crazy. Isn't it true that in our society probably the most religious people (most open up-hearted) are often possibly retarded or lunatics?
Clue 2: If you discover the spiritual route enjoyable, you isn't on it. The religious route hurts  and don't allow anyone tell you otherwise. Would you assume St. Steve of the Cross was just kidding around as he talked of the Dark Night of the Soul? On the spiritual path, as in the gym, no pain indicates no gain. So why do you guess that experts such as Sri Yukteswar and Gurdjieff and wear Juan (and wear Juan's teacher don Julian) had been so abusive to their disciples (aside from the followers who were pretty selfless to start with)? Why do you think wear Juan recommended finding a small tyrant  an oppressor who spits on you and stomps your self-esteem into the mud  as the most important element of religious training? Personal-significance is not eliminated by having other people envy you or pat you on the back and tell you how great you are or by having all your fantasies and daydreams become a reality. It's removed with your self-pictures  all you crave and make an effort to support  trampled in to the grime.
The spiritual route is based on the diametrically opposite direction in the path society has conditioned you to definitely journey. The spiritual path  the deconditioning process  entails spying your grasping fingers loose from every thing society has conditioned you to definitely cling to. This is not pleasant whatsoever. Furthermore, nobody will provide you with any reward or recognition for your religious achievements: depending on your karma (those who are fairly selfless to begin with get it simpler than average folks), most likely many people around you will do everything in their ability to frustrate you, be jealous individuals, or minimize your efforts. As don Juan told Castaneda, InchA warrior doesn't have honor, no self-esteem, no loved ones, no title, no nation he's only life to become resided, and under these circumstances, his only tie to his fellow males is his managed folly." Anybody who is really on the spiritual route (in contrast to the pleased-believed thinkers) is generally crucified by society and the individuals about them.
The point is that the accurate spiritual route is entered by dealing with things squarely because they are (not by denying your reality by "considering pleased thoughtsInch or else operating away from yourself) and then by just taking your circumstances  giving up the ghost, preventing all the battling and fuming, moving away from your personal case along with other individuals case and God's situation. There aren't any cutting corners around the spiritual route. There certainly are methods which is essential to discover congenial methods which you can practice daily, to focus your intent. But there is no way to change something by snapping your fingers or going for a workshop or simply considering happy ideas.
To tell somebody that is in great discomfort to Inchjust think happy ideas" is like telling someone without thighs to just get up and stroll. Deconditioning and reconditioning your mindset requires a tremendous period of time and endurance  its not something you can Inchjust doInch. Its also why magicians aver that there is no reason in even considering task the job before you are totally eager. True spiritual growth is actually just a matter of tiredness, of total clean-out, of coming to recognize the futility from it all. But there is no way to hurry anything up. Not a way. The earlier you give up trying, or laying to yourself by "thinking happy thoughts", the earlier true alter will happen.
(excerpted from Magical Almanac totally free month-to-month ezine, )

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