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As a kid I was taught the age-old wisdom, "If you can not say some thing great, do not say something at all." As soon as I entered public schools, becoming the overly-sensitive child which I was, I had to rapidly learn the defensive protection of "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never ever hurt me." Truth be told, even so, many of my much less-sensitive schoolmates' words did hurt--I just learned to act as if they didn't. Hence, I started to wear a mask and maintain my feelings inside, except of course when they seeped by means of the corners of my eyes. Of course, there had been times when I allowed my feelings on the outdoors in the comfort zone of close friends or loved ones. As an adolescent I began the marvelous approach of thinking for myself--trying to make sense of the globe in which I was living, idealizing and philosophizing--thinking I knew it all, wondering why there were so a lot of difficulties in the globe which had seemingly simple solutions!. And I, like many teens, when their offerings of idealism are discredited and ignored by a lot smarter, much more knowledgeable "adults," cloaked myself in rebellion and silence and indifference. When my feelings had been challenged, I frequently built a soap box from which to broadcast my views. These who liked what I mentioned became pals. Those who didn't became enemies. But in occasions of crisis--when my lack of encounter over-rode my confidence--I learned that with out a doubt, "blood was thick than water" and so, even these lines of distinction (buddy vs. foe) faded at instances. Then really like entered my life and the globe became a wonderful spot once again! How hopeful it was to discover my the moment-lost and practically-forgotten rose-colored glasses! So great to have at least one specific person with whom to express my deep feelings: Joy! Adore! Faith! Ah! But I was in for a rude awakening as time taught me that no one is best! Glasses off, mask back on! I carried both at my side for many years in my early adulthood. I became an expert on analyzing, trusting/not trusting, judging, acting/getting actual. The world calls it social skills and personal relationship abilities. I saw it as merely survival strategies. I was an army of one. The planet was a lonely location even though. I felt no 1 knew the real me. I became bitter and angry now that I saw life for what it genuinely was--a struggle. Feeling betrayed--all this and then you die? Good! Really, very great! The answer? Religion! A strategy! A method! You do this and here's your reward! Okay, I reasoned, something's greater than absolutely nothing! So I purchased off on that in my desperation for life needing to have which means and goal. Even religion let me down, but having hit nearer the mark with it than with no it, I learned to "bite my tongue," "bear my sorrows," and "take it to the Lord in prayer." Push came to shove and I identified myself in the therapist's office. She taught me, "It's not what you're saying, it's how you are saying it." She was right, of course. That truth went all the way back to childhood, "If you cannot say one thing good" and on through the, "Sticks and stones" by way of the mask-wearing of adolescence--the art of the lonely, to soapboxes, which ought to be left to derbies not enemy-creating, and lastly bursting by way of the guise of so much error in organized religion. All that understanding and now the remaining challenge--obtaining to the How. How to say what I have to say with out hurting. That's absolutely upperclassman's function, higher education. In search of a master's degree, if you will. Expertise, not born of knowledge, but rather, of wisdom. New mentors arrived for this student of life. Messengers touting principles such as, Speak your truth, but soothe your words with peace." This new quest demanded honoring my individuality, but also retaining respect for unity. It demanded not an abandonment of my past traditions, mastering and understanding, but an expansion and a clarification and filteringretaining the truths and gently discarding those teachings and doctrines which no longer served. All masters, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, et. al. invite and instruct to comply with their examples to embrace our personal glory, to locate out who we actually are, to end our own suffering, as properly as our infliction of suffering upon other individuals. They all turn us to ourselves, to probe more deeply, to locate peace, to find fulfillment , to know wisdom. Their lives are the instance, their words are their instruction. And I am finding that this master's system of life has the potential to encompass all the recognizable truths of my life. Being aware of when to speak. Understanding how to speak. Distinguishing hyperbole from pearls of wisdom. Honoring self and oneness. Discarding masks and soap boxes in exchange for transparency and mountaintops. Gift giving. Your Expertise and Wisdomnow these are gifts that are bigger than life, wealth untold and immeasurable. And but, they fit in such a small package that they are located only inside a pure heart and a clear mind. They are the gift of a master. Every 1 of us is master of his/her life. The experiences we have, the truths we hold--those are our own gifts to have and to share with these around us. Every life is immeasurably invaluable! It has cost a lifetime to know what you know, to do what you have done. Expressing your wisdom, telling your life story--leaving your legacy for these you lovenow, that is a true gift-giving from the heart! clicking here