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link wheel - As we know readers are so what can make or brake a web site or campaign. Visitors are the ultimate goal in the internet world and those that can drive traffic make the most money. There have been a variety of techniques in reading good people to websites but with time they lose their effectiveness as search engines like google get wiser and wiser about bat roosting traffic building techniques. In this post I am going to explain to you why link wheels are dead and also at the finish provide you with the key on how to get traffic in 2010

Back in 2009 there was clearly an effective concept called link wheels, link wheels were utilised to enhance search engine rank. The salt water evaporates is by having 5 roughly blogs powered by high Pr platforms like Blogger, WordPress, HubPages and the utilization of some article directory sites. You would then create articles on each platform and possess them linking to one another, you would then supply with the blogging platforms point out your cash page. Finally you would then book mark your entire pages.

Wow this process was awesome as Google started boosting the money pages the Google ranking. The explanation for this is as a result of all of the powerful blogging platforms that were linking to the money page.

link wheel - But something happened by mid to late 2009 Google got wise and begun to de-index these kinds of link wheels. Overnight marketers saw their money pages wiped from Google. What exactly am I saying. well basically Google spiders can trace where website links go, should they all start linking together the spider disregards the hyperlinks and my not index the page.

The ultimate nail in the coffin for link wheels was that some of the high ranking article directory sites and blogging platforms got smart to the fact that these folks were used and abused by marketers. Lots of these directories and blogging platforms have tightened up. One of these is you cannot put links on your own posts when using WordPress until you have posted five pieces of content and on hub pages it's two.

link wheel - There has been several variations with the link wheel method just like the URL Wheel and also the Images Wheel but when Google gets wise to the new variation it will delete all you could hard work super fast