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February 2012 Horoscopes

What's going on? Many felt the force of Mars as that he stationed (stood still) and made a prompt about face to retrograde motion on the 23rd of January. Being truly a personal planet, his influence is usually felt in our each and every day lives. One year, when Mars was transiting the degree of my ascendant, I had an army of machinery in my own front yard for 2 days - backhoes, chain saws, leaf blowers, every type of equipment imaginable. Such is the power of a Mars transit. With Mars now retrograde until April 14th, we are able to use this time wisely to perform unfinished projects, clean out negative health issues, or elsewhere make use of the cutting power of Mars to produce unwelcome debris from our lives. It's good to analyze the consequences of Mars by house and register your astrological chart to understand how he'll likely show up in your life. Next on the retrograde radar is Saturn; that he takes his turn from February 7th - June 25th. With both Saturn and Mars retrograde, we may feel as though we are just holding a place in the parade or time. Actually, this can be a beneficial time frame for the world stage the maximum amount of is going to be happening behind the scenes when it comes to negotiations as well as efforts for peace. Retain the vision that people are living in a time when such a thing is possible, including positive development for breakthroughs of kinds. Neptune enters his watery domain of Pisces in early February. Pisces is really a sign of faith and trust - two qualities that Neptune in Aquarius has found difficult to state. I think Neptune specially in the late degrees of Aquarius has been uncomfortable - similar to a butterfly encumbered by the last vestiges of his chrysalis stage - carrying the heavy load that once offered protection, but is currently just an empty shell. Search for art, music, and harmonic resonance as Neptune moves into Pisces. The challenging squares of Pluto and Uranus are affording a polarization in to our real world; it's all unfolding in just a divine and perfect plan. Enjoy your part in this play - we all have been planning to make it, and, it will be good! HOROSCOPES Aries - (March 20 - April 19) Even though Mars is busy setting up roadblocks in the productivity department, Venus is having a lovely time with your own personal life. Enjoy this season of flirtation and general fun while it lasts. The goddess of love can also be known to deliver financial windfalls every so often; remain alert, and take action when yours appears - on or around the 9th of the month! The total Moon of February 7th lights up your 5th house of creativity and pleasure. You may suddenly end up spending additional time by having an old flame this month when some body from the distant past appears on your own doorstep. Try not to overanalyze things on the 23rd and count your blessings on the 25th; understand that fortune comes in many disguises. Taurus- (April 20 - May 20) February is a month to exercise your faith, Taurus. There are lots of unseen forces working on your behalf now; trust in the process and understand that great things take the time to manifest. Between now and June, each one of you will be given a meaningful gift - know that you will be counted in this cosmic blessing. The entire Moon of February 7th warms up your property and inner foundation. Finally, you have arrive at a place of security and unshakable confidence. Even though you feel like staying at home, this is your month to get out and meet new people. Don't allow a misconstrued threat result in poor decision-making early in this month. Hold true to your course, and know that you are on the right course. Gemini- (May 21 - June 20) True to your nature, this looks to be always a very busy month, while the Full Moon of February 7th lightens up your sector of communication and travel. Avoid impulsive decisions on the 7th, as speedy Mercury, your ruling planet, joins sunlight on this day which leaves you with a tendency to behave before you think. Your best days to take decisive action are February 26 -29. Mercury has two more close encounters which may leave you wondering where you stand really going. On the 13th, Mercury joins mystical Neptune; this aspect usually comes with rose colored glasses; you wish to keep your eyes open as well as your directly straight. Also, be aware of a storm of opposition on the 23rd; your best strategy is merely wait this 1 out until that blowhard has no wind left to steer you off course. Cancer- (June 21 - July 21) The February 7th Full Moon may possibly just as well have the word 'sweetheart' written in big letters, Cancer. Whether its love, what's for sure is that you can find joy nowadays of February. Your financial picture looks equally promising, too. A lengthy awaited bonus is yours for the taking. Your hopes and wishes are where you expand now; help your dreams fly by writing them in to form. February is just a month of revision, so make an effort and refine your ultimate goals. Avoid jealousy or even a rush to judgment on the 15th, because good news arrives on the 16th. Show your love on the 25th when all the love you give returns to you with added interest. Leo- (July 22 - August 22)This may be the month you have been awaiting; the February Full Moon in your sign, Leo. Embrace this season of new beginnings. There is a peculiar quality to the light of the Aquarius sun of February. It's like a blindfold has been lifted from your eyes, and you also now is able to see the truth of so many situations. Through the duration of every one of the changes, one person has remained steadfast; at this point you start to see the integrity with this true friend, also. Devote some time out to savor your friendships on the 9th, but make sure facts on the 10th. What seems enticing on Thursday can change shallow in a moment's notice. The 18th is the day to get things done this month, Leo; what you accomplish on this Saturday will continue to be for several years ahead. Virgo- (August 23 - September 22) You may well be busier than ever before, but, the more you do, the less is accomplished. Understand that that is you month for introspection, and it all feels fine. In the event that you must accept a practice, ensure it is meditation; this is where your true power can build, one that will move you leaps ahead when it's high time. Your critical days, this month, are from the 19th - the 23rd. In addition to taking time yourself, there's much going on behind the scenes that is about relationships. The trick is always to meet partners in a sacred space of self.. Taking time on the 19th for counsel with your Higher Self sets the tone for the Pisces New Moon of February 21st. When you are grounded is when you will find that perfect other; enough time is near, Virgo. Libra- (September 23 - October 21) February is the season for creativity, Libra. Make time for you to envision your most lively dreams, after which simply take dynamic learning to make them manifest. You will be in the 'zone' recently; know that they're unique and powerful days and that you need to make the very best utilization of time; regard it as a precious commodity. The total Moon of February 7th delivers happiness during your arena of social connections. It is time to move out and meet new people because everyone features a new inspiration for you. New means of doing old things is also on your own cosmic agenda; don't get frustrated on the 22nd and 23rd when somebody highlights an oversight. This puts you at a benefit on the 25th, and then, you could have it your way. Scorpio - (October 22 - November 21) Just when you need to be so serious, whatever you actually want to do is play - am I right, Scorpio? The urge to play is just a release for the high tension that surrounds you. Sobriety is good, but so is laughter. You will find storm clouds lurking behind every high wall, but, you have to simply find shelter for the time being and carry an umbrella. You're dealing with an instance of over extension fueled by a cycle of optimism. Make use of the planetary influences of Saturday (Saturn's Day) the 18th and 25th to replace with lost revenues. Good stories are told on the 13th, but the truth is unmasked on the 14th. Just take heart in knowing that you know what is happening, and that the Universe works these things out. If it is real, you will see no doubt. Sagittarius- (November 22- December 20) Peace now finds a home inside your mind and body - it's been a little while, has it maybe not? The stormy season of Uranus has abated, for the present time, and you can go back to enjoying your wanderlust - if perhaps from afar. At the very least you are feeling differently now as the edge of incessant longing is replaced by a sound but natural curiosity. Secret longings remain though, and the Scorpio last quarter moon of February 21st is the time to come to terms with all that remains. Some dreams will be put to a peaceful rest, others linger as a treasure. The 15th brings one to an important turning point; you are in a fine position to do that - the future is golden along with your new rainbow is shining brightly. Capricorn- (December 21 - January 19) Finances are in your thoughts, Capricorn, and rightfully so. It is time to get serious about manifestation; your powers are in an all-time high, and also you now face entry into a thrilling new era of satisfaction as the Full Moon of February 7th slides open the shimmering gate way to your 8th house of investments and inheritances. Are you ready to acknowledge that you want and deserve the comforts of a good life? You have to meet this energy with enthusiasm and self-assurance. The principles are simple; money is energy, and it is your time to receive. Avoid unsubstantiated claims on the 10th - you know way more than your so-called advisor. It's all real by the 18th; take pleasure in the ride to your success. Aquarius - (January 20 - February 17) Are you feeling just like a celebration, plus don't even know why? This is your time and effort, Aquarius. Neptune officially enters Pisces on February 4th, and I predict you will instantly feel a lightness and relief. (And, understand that Neptune is simply as pleased to leave Aquarius when you are!) The beneficial results of all this planetary 'heavy lifting' is that you will be hyper- alert and very strong. Now you can really can get on with the business of creating a stellar new world. The final quarter Scorpio moon of February 14th demands a significant decision to be made; you feel as if a storm is brewing and also you must choose, but realize that the die has already been cast. By Sunday the 19th you are feeling softer, and all is well on earth. Your lucky day may be the 25th; greet today together with your soft heart and be willing to smile. Pisces - (February 18 - March 19) It is a critical month to get your affairs so as, Pisces. The total Moon of February 7th opens your 6th house of practical matters. Consider yourself a master craftsperson, and the Full Moon grants you access to a magical box of tools. You will see a test of your determination now, Pisces. Saturn is adept at making the task at hand look impossible. Understand that delay is costly at this juncture and you also can not pay the luxury of a missed step. The 13th is really a grand day for vision questing and inspiration; find time alone to hear your Higher Guidance. Know that good stuff are coming your way - you have to be in the best place, which is exactly where you are today. ? Maya White/White Star 2012.

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