Justice League International (3. Serie)

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Justice League International (3. Serie)

Allgemeine Informationen

  • Verlag: DC-Comics
  • Heftformat, 32 Seiten
  • Serienstart: September 2011
  • Serienende: August 2012

Erschienen sind


V-stern.gif = hierzu ist mindestens ein Variant-Cover erschienen




USA to Germany

Serien mit JLA im Titel
Aquaman 1.jpg


JLA - 80-Page Giant - Act of God - Age of Wonder - JLA Annual - Another Nail - ... / Avengers - Black Baptism - Classified - Created Equal - Destiny - Gatekeeper - ... Haven: Arrival - Incarnations - Paradise Lost - Secret Files - Secret Society of Super-Heroes - .../ Spectre: Soul War - The Nail - The Obsidian Age - .../ Titans - World without Grown-Ups - Year One - JLA-Z


JLA (Dino) - JLA (Panini) - JLA: Die neue Serie - JLA / Die Rächer - JLA Sonderband (Dino) - JLA Sonderband (Panini) - JLA Special (Dino)

Serien mit Justice League im Titel
Wonder Woman I.jpg
Martian Manhunter 3.jpg


Formerly known as the Justice League - Justice League (1. Serie) - 1987 - Justice League (2. Serie) - 2011 - A Midsummer's Nightmare - Adventures - America - America Annual - Annual - Elite - Europe - Europe Annual - International (1. Serie) - 1987 - International (2. Serie) - 1993 - International (3. Serie) - 2011 - International Annual - International Special - ...of America (1. Serie) - 1960 - ...of America (2. Serie) - 2006 - ...of America Archives - Quarterly - Task Force - Unlimited - Justice Leagues...


Justice - Justice League of America Sonderband (Panini)