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What Is A True Christian

It is a question that's asked very often. What is a Christian? Together with it are lots of other questions. Exactly what does it mean to become a Christian? What defines a Christian? What makes Christians different from individuals who aren't Christians? How do i tell if someone is really a Christian? How does it benefit me to be a Christian? These are merely few of the questions people ask pertaining to Christianity. Statistics reveal that about 33% from the world's population identify themselves as Christians. As a child, my parents were Catholics. So of course I visited the Catholic mass each week. When people would ask about my religion, without hesitation I would identify myself as Catholic.

So is it really that easy? Should you be from Indiana, you'd be considered a "Hoosier." So, if your parents were Christian and also you grew up inside a Christian Church, does that make a Christian? Christianity, however, is not that simple. But who likes simple anyway? I had been born and raised in Indiana which makes me a Hoosier, plain and simple. But, so how exactly does that basically fact profit me as a human being, as a husband, like a brother, as a worker, etc.? I grew up within the Catholic Church and identified myself like a Catholic, basically. But, how did that plain and simple fact benefit me as I grew even larger from my adolescence into adulthood? If you inquired about things i learned from likely to mass, sadly not a whole lot. The key reason why is just because my heart wasn't into it. Insidewithin all of me, there wasn't a desire to learn anything. Do you know what it way to be considered a Hoosier besides being someone that's from Indiana?

As being a Christian isn't something that's inherited. It isn't something you feel by association. It isn't even about religion. It's something you become. As being a Christian is really a choice, a conscious choice. A true Christian is really a person who not only believes in Jesus as the only begotten Son of God, but a person who willingly exemplifies in the or her life the teachings of Jesus. This individual determines within their heart to read the Bible, study the life span and behavior of Jesus and emulates it in their own life. They don't attempt to change the words of the Bible to really make it appeal to them, however they allow the words from the Bible change them, to allow them to appeal to God. The key word there is "change." The life span of the true Christian will always exhibit change.

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So, if an individual identifies themselves like a Christian plus they haven't even read one of the Gospels in its entirety, do you consider they can truly claim to be a Christian? If one of the determining factors to be a Christian is exemplifying the life span of Jesus through his word, how will you really know that which you don't read? What if you do not apply what you read for your life? What if you know the Bible says to like your neighbor as yourself, but there are people you hate and can't stand? Should you still identify yourself as a Christian? What about if the word says to not commit adultery, but you call your Christian while sleeping around? The Bible answers these questions effortlessly in Matthew 7:20 which says; "By their fruits, you will know them." So if you know the word and what it says about morals and behavior, you are able to tell the ones won't be and who's truly a Christian.

No-one can take credit for being a Christian. Nor can anyone self-proclaim themselves like a Christian. The Bible proves this in John 15:16 when Jesus said, "You haven't chosen me, but I have chosen you... " Within the natural, there's no reason behind anyone to accept Jesus and change their lives to mirror His. This is because we are all born separated from God with a sinful nature. This makes us naturally rebellious towards God and something that is due to Him. What happens when we start drawing close to God is the fact that His Holy Spirit is birthing those desires within our hearts, supernaturally. He ultimately leaves the choice to us of whether you want to draw closer or farther away. As we draw closer and receive Jesus into our hearts by confessing Him as our Lord and Savior, at that moment we're indwelt using the Holy Spirit and immediately "born again" from the sinful nature and into the nature of God. Once again, this happens supernaturally, so in the natural, we do not feel it or perceive it yet.

To someone who is truly serious about letting Jesus change them; this new nature should result in a new lifestyle, a different way of thinking, a different way of talking and a new method of acting. This individual reads the Bible, the Holy Spirit blesses her or him with discernment and he or she applies the things they learn to their lives. It is really an ongoing process. Then when the Bible says do not commit adultery, we obey and be faithful spouses. When the bible says forgive as God in Christ forgave us, we obey with no longer hold grudges. We obey the word when it says to put off anger, wrath, blasphemy, and filthy communication from our mouths. When the Bible says don't lie one to the other, we obey and become honest. Implementing the word in our daily lives will bring us true peace that passes understanding. It will make us better husbands, wives, better mothers, fathers, better children, better friends, etc. God also promises countless blessings for example healing, overall total life prosperity, victory over the problems of this world and many more! The evidence of us being Christian will not be so much in that we declare it, but in our actions and exactly how we live daily!