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Earth the excellent giver. What can we understand from the Earth? The world celebrates earth day in various methods. In the United States of America, it is observed on the 22nd April, although the international earth day is celebrated on the day of Vernal Equinox .

The day is observed to make all of us aware of our responsibilities towards our mother earth. The way we have been taking all that we can from the earth will a single day finish all the coal and hydrocarbon from the earth. Exact same with all the minerals. We are extracting what all we can. The earth is our greatest friend but we earthlings behave as if we are the masters. The earth supports us in all the approaches. It provides us the atmosphere to breathe, the water to drink, and food to eat. It gives us thousands of varieties of plants and it gives us the place to make our residence. The earth gives its all to us without any protest.

We are the selfish ones. We want nonetheless much more from what all we get. We are not happy merely watching at the great all-natural marvels. The ice, the fantastic plains, the tall mountains, thousands of distinct animals, insects, birds, the oceans and the marine life. The earth provides us all and it really should be extremely satisfying to us. But sadly most of us have forgotten the spirit of thanking. We thank our close friends for the smallest favor but forget to thank the earth. We take care of ourselves, our family members and our close friends, but fail to care for the earth. That is really surprising but extremely accurate.

A single lesson we can immediately learn from this is - if you do not protest, you will hold on getting exploited. The second lesson - unless you act miserly, no body will respect your huge heartedness. Had the earth been miserly, we would been really cautious. But because it offers in abundance, we are never bothered. The third lesson we all should understand is - the spirit of giving to make other people pleased. That is what the earth does. If we grow to be as giving in our life, a lot of misery can be wiped out. But first all of us should understand to give and not to ask. That is the excellent message of the Mother Earth. read more read more www