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- William Shakespeare The title of this great Cole Porter song -Night and Day - also describes the often changeable nature of my outlook on life. go here "There's absolutely nothing either very good or undesirable but thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare The title of this great Cole Porter song -Night and Day - also describes the often changeable nature of my outlook on life. clicking here Example: It is late evening, and I'm considering about all I have to achieve in the week ahead - book publishing details, workshop preparation, handouts to finish, that audiorecording script I want to write, a call to my sister, plane reservations to Chicago, and so on, not to mention the minutiae of telephone calls, e-mail, world wide web searches, and comply with up associated with each and every project. I really feel overwhelmed, tired, self-absorbed, and incapacitated. Next morning: I awake prior to dawn and do some deep breathing. I meditate, watch the sun rise, and eagerly anticipate the day. These days, I will discover the ship date for my book, have the opportunity to produce a new piece of writing, strategy a workshop, and perhaps take a walk and enjoy some fresh air. The exact same circumstances that seemed daunting, scary, and impossible to handle the night just before appear filled with potential this morning. I am doomed - I am lucky. I will get sick - I really feel great! I will surely fail - My day is filled with promise. My husband Jim and I call these "Night and Day" viewpoints the Excellent Reality and the Poor Reality. I would rather be in the Good Reality - positive, pleasant, and full of possibility. The sun is shining, birds singing, and life is easy, flowing and entertaining. Issues exist, but I can handle them. My energy is sturdy and resilient. But at times I drop into the Negative Reality, exactly where life is hard, depressing, and stressful. I feel weighed down, inadequate, and powerless. I can not locate my energy or my spirit. learn more Is it a selection? I think it is. Something is happening out there, and my viewing lens alterations my expertise. My considering makes it so. Often I can get there on my own steam. I just adjust my thoughts, or laugh at myself, or both. When I am as well tired to uncover the road back, I rest or take myself out for a cup of tea. When I am type to myself, the Great Reality usually returns. And so I experiment with the Reality channel and how the external globe adjustments with my viewing lens. Shall I reside in the Very good or Bad Reality right now? How about you? Which a single are you in now? Can you cross more than? I would enjoy to hear from you on these questions. The capacity to think that by altering my thinking I can adjust my reality is a gift. I know this. Partly, my life is about sharing this gift. I hope you are in the Very good Reality nowadays.