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If you're reading this, you're probably deciding whether or not to Join Empower Network. Frankly, with all the hype and buzz going on about it, not looking at it is almost impossible. With that said, it's tempting to get sucked in and join without doing any due diligence. In this review, you'll learn what the Empower Network is, who's behind it, and how it works. You'll also learn a critical mistake that many are making and how you can avoid it like the plague. Ready Let's get started!

Who Is The Empower Network

First and foremost, it's important to have an understanding of who is behind The Empower Network. The Empower Network is the creation of David Sharpe and David Wood. Launched in November 2011, the Empower Network has 'gone viral', and is taking over the Internet. At one point, the Empower Network made the 'What's Hot' list on As of this writing, it has an Alexa ranking of 2,770, which is absolutely remarkable considering that it has only been around for 30 days.

As far as the co-founders go, they both have exceptional track records in the industry, specifically in the online marketing arena. David Wood is a true guru marketer. He tells his story of starting, and struggling, in Network Marketing while living in a van in Hawaii. He has gone on to become the top recruiter in his primary company, as well as a top producer in one of the largest Attraction Marketing communities online today. David Sharpe also explains his 'rags to riches' story as being one that has gone from being a overworked and underpaid construction worker working in the hot Florida sun to being recognized as one of the top copy writers in the industry. While they both have different leadership styles, together they have dynamic synergy. Personally, I like the transparency they provide, which I believe comes from the years of struggling in the industry they both endured.

What Is The Empower Network

Contrary to what many think, The Empower Network is not a network marketing company. In fact, it's nothing more than a viral blogging platform sold through affiliates. As a marketer, why do you need a blog Because, by far, the most effective way to brand yourself, generate leads and sell stuff online is through a personalized blog.

When you sign up, you receive a fully functioning wordpress blog. This is a true 'plug and play' system. When you become a member for $25 a month, you instantly have access to a highly optimized blog, complete with lead capture page and sales funnel. You can start blogging immediately! The great thing that few realize is that the Empower Network already has a higher page rank than someone who starts their own personal blog. Having a higher page rank will result in your blog posts being ranked higher and faster on the search engines. A person who has NEVER blogged at all can use this system! And because it's a 'plug and play' platform, you don't have to fiddle with complicated plug-ins or learn all types of different header tags.

If you're a seasoned blogger already, there is still a tremendous amount of value for you to get an Empower Network blog. Without getting overly complicated, you can simply use it to get high authority and valuable backlinks to your current blog.

While the 'plug and play' blog is the core product, there also an Inner Circle membership that gives you access to several hours of advanced marketing training from David Wood, David Sharpe and other top producing members. Lastly, there is also a product called the Costa Rica Intensive, which is a complete video course that covers a multitude of marketing topics.

How Do You Make Money With The Empower Network

Aside from the viral blogging platform, the main thing that attracts more people is the potential of generating 100% commissions directly deposited to your account. That is unheard of in the online marketing industry. This is because most people who make money online generate only a percentage of the sale (anywhere from 2% all the way up to 50%) instead of earning all 100% of it. Additionally, commissions are usually paid out weeks or even months later, not instantly.

Generally speaking, the only people who were able to generate 100% commissions and get it directly deposited instantly, were marketing gurus who created and sold their own products. For newbies, this would be impossible since they don't have their own products to sell.

The Empower Network Compensation Plan

As far as the compensation plan works, it operates on a 'pass up' model. The way it works is that you 'pass up' an occasional sale to your sponsor. Because the system is in its infancy, the system is changing. When you sponsor others, the same will happen to you. The kicker for this though is that you don't earn commissions on any products you don't own. The commission is received by the first person in your line that does own the product. This is powerful for two reasons. For one, it creates a fear of loss with members you personally sponsor to get all the products when they sign up. And two, even if they don't get all the products, you get 'roll up' sales from people they sponsor who do get all the products.

Look at this example: Affiliate A owns the blog, and the mastermind membership. Affiliate A enrolls Affiliate B. Affiliate B owns the blog only. Affiliate B enrolls Affiliate C. Affiliate C owns the blog, and enrolls in the mastermind membership.

In this example, Affiliate A receives a $25 commission for enrolling Affiliate B. Affiliate B earns $25 for enrolling Affiliate C. Because Affiliate B did not purchase the mastermind membership, the commission earned from Affiliate C goes to Affiliate A.

The Critical Mistake You Want To Avoid Like The Plague

The Empower Network Scam is an easy way to get started online. This system allows you to have instant access to online marketing, and instant access to your commissions. If you are looking to learn how to market on the internet, make a lot of money, and generate a ton of leads, then you need to join the Empower Network today!

But don't do what most people do, which is joining under someone who won't provide support, guidance and leadership. It's also important that you have a way to communicate and reach your sponsor. If you join someone who doesn't provide support and can't be reached, you'll have to stumble your way around and figure things out on your own. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that, but you can significantly decrease your learning curve if you work with a good sponsor and a solid team. If you can partner with a solid sponsor, you can very well be on your way to creating an Empower Network success story of your own.