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Woo-Woo Writing Exploring The Paranormal In Erotic Romance

Envision the man of your dreams reaching out to you in the nightfrom across centuries. And he isnt the only one particular. In this daring pick-your-personal-adventure novel from the author of Sins and Secrets, hungry lovers separated by time and space come together to discover physical passion in unearthly approaches

Can one particular lady love two men? Jou...

My subsequent book, Take Me There is an erotic ghost story. It is scheduled for release in November 2007. This is the description from the back cover:

Envision the man of your dreams reaching out to you in the nightfrom across centuries. And he isnt the only 1. Contractor Accountants Cornhill Private Wealth Cornhill Private Wealth ebooks online . In this daring pick-your-own-adventure novel from the author of Sins and Secrets, hungry lovers separated by time and space come together to uncover physical passion in unearthly methods

Can 1 lady love two men? Journalist Presley Knowles is about to discover out the answer to that extremely sensual query. Her sex drive zooms into the red zone immediately after a near-death encounter in a car accident and among Dr. Daniel Hanson, the young medical doctor who saved her, and Vadim, a ghostly lover from an additional time, shes about to experience the ultimate in physical pleasure. new books . Wild and prepared as she wants to be, Presley gets to discover all of her wickedest sensual fantasies when both lovers share her bed

Woo-woo is not new to me. I have been a long time student of metaphysics and spirituality. My individual library of woo-woo books is extensive. The thought of weaving my background of paranormal study into an erotic romance seemed far fetched, until I occurred upon a rerun of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. Im not speaking about the television series. It is the 1947 movie with Rex Harrison as Captain Gregg and Gene Tierney as Mrs. Muir that rang my chimes. It is a outstanding enjoy story.

When I watched that film, I got totally caught up in the story, and in the possibilities. I took the inspiration from that movie and stirred it into a pot with all the data Ive picked up over the years. What emerged has turn into Take Me There.

The study of metaphysics has been a hobby of mine for a lot of years. My interest began when I had what are greatest described as psychic experiences. Becoming a rational and affordable person, I figured I have to have popped my cookies. These items dont come about to sane folks, I told myself. Well, guess what! They sure do.

The simplest way to explain what occurs is that I see pictures in my head. Except for a single time, its nothing truly extreme. I can uncover lost issues in my residence, like keys, missing socks or jewelry. Its not that I appear for them. I see exactly where they are in my thoughts, go look in the location I see, and there is the missing item. The most notable exception is the time I situated a missing life insurance coverage policy for a good friend. Her husband had just passed away, and her family members could not uncover the policy. I discovered it in the way I just described.

There is also a problem I have with modest electrical appliances. I keep a provide of light bulbs on hand, simply because I regularly blow them out. I have also burned out many hair dryers and a vacuum cleaner. I have learned not to let such items throw me, though I admit, at times it gets a tad bizarre. I forgot to mention, I have also intuited passwords on occasion, which genuinely freaked individuals out.

In order to realize the weird phenomena that seemed to adhere to me about, I studied. I read every thing from Edgar Cayce, to Jane Roberts, to Alice Baily. Included in the many places I studied were reincarnation, near-death experiences, channeling and mediumship. Definitely, I utilized private discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff, classic metaphysics from. effectively, lets just say, items that didnt resonate with me.

My research took an uncommon turn when I entered an Interfaith Seminary in the early 90s. I studied a lot more, and ultimately became an ordained Interfaith Minister. I have performed weddings and funerals. And, I have raised more than a few eyebrows when individuals locate out I am ordained AND I write erotic romance.

I never ever anticipated to write a book exactly where I could use any of this details. The private want to comprehend is all I thought about even though undertaking this investigation and attending seminary. www.lowfinancerate.com go there . But as soon as yet again, fate intervened. When I proposed the thought for Take Me There to my editor, she bought it!

The synchronicity and dovetailing it took to combine my metaphysical and spiritual background with my erotic romance writing blew me away! Take Me There is undoubtedly hot erotic romance, but the backdrop of woo-woo is strong. It goes to show, you just in no way know how items are going to come together in unexpected techniques. As they say, what goes around comes around.